Metadata for RCSPC-Y303P-053 (RCS Y303P/53)

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Identifier: RCSPC-Y303P-053
Creator: Unknown
Title: Singalese Devil Dancers
Description: 278 x 216 mm. A posed view showing a group of four men dressed in ornate costumes and appearing to be in the middle of a dance. A fifth man, in simple clothing, is seated to the right and is playing a drum. Devil dancing is an important form of Sri Lankan dance, but the occult overtones are still strong. Sri Lankans of various religions believe that certain ritual devil dances can cure the sick, appease angry gods, and ensure good harvests. Dressed in elaborate and colourful costumes - all of which have important ritual significance - the dancers move in prescribed ways to the accompaniment of drums. The dancers take the roles of healers and demons, and they act out in dance form what they want to have happen. Devil dancing is more than just a religious practice, it is a significant art form. Photograph taken circa 1886.
Date created from: 1886
Date created to: 1886
Coverage spatial: Sri Lanka (Asia)
Source: RCS Y303P/53
Is part of: RCS Photograph Collection, Y303P.
DCMIType: Image
Medium: image/jpeg
Extent: 238KB
Dimension X: 800
Dimension Y: 623
Dimension units: Pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Bit depth: 24 bit
Colour space: Adobe RGB 1998
Compression type: JPEG
Compression ratio: Quality 9
Camera body: Mamiya RB
Camera back: Leaf Valeo 11 Digital
Lighting: 1000w Bowens Flash Heads
Lens: Mamiya 50mm f/4.5 Wide Angle Lens
ISO: 25
Aperture: F/16
ShutterSpeed: 1/125
Digitised by: SM. Photography Department. Cambridge University Library.
Publisher: Royal Commonwealth Society Library. Cambridge University Library. University of Cambridge.
Rights: Copyright Cambridge University Library.
Date Digitised: 2003-11-14