Photographers Index

Gedge, Ernest, 1862-1935, colonial administrator

Gender: Male
Active Dates: 1862 - 1935
Active Area: North and Central America (continent)
Africa (continent)
Asia (continent)
United States (nation)
Malaysia (nation)
India (nation)
South Africa (nation)
Middle East (region (general))
Uganda (nation)
Kenya (nation)
Calgary (inhabited place)
Gauteng (province)
Johannesburg (inhabited place)
Assam (state)
Zimbabwe (nation)
Mashonaland (region (general))
Borneo (island)
Indonesia (nation)
Java (island)
Cuba (nation)
Ciudad de la Habana (province)
Havana (inhabited place)
Bulawayo (province)
Bulawayo (inhabited place)
Likenesses: See Y30468K/1, 9, 58 and 109-112.
Photographs: See list of photographs
Publications: None found.
Related Entries: None found.
Ernest Gedge (1862-1935) was the son of the Reverend Augustus Gedge, Rector of Ludborough, Lincolnshire, and his wife Lucy. He was educated at Queen Elizabeth College, Guernsey; Queen Elizabeth School, Ipswich; Rossall School; and the training ship H.M.S. 'Worcester'. He was the assistant manager of a tea estate in Assam, 1879-1888, before joining the Imperial British East Africa Company. Gedge travelled with Sir Frederick J. Jackson on behalf of the I.B.E.A. Co. to Buganda, 1889-1890, and remained in Uganda to represent the Company after Jackson left. Gedge placed himself under Lugard on the latter's arrival in Uganda 1891 and was ordered to the coast to recuperate. He was the correspondent for 'The Times' in Uganda, 1892-1893, covering Sir Gerald Portal's mission, and during the Mashonaland campaigns in 1893, although this assignment was curtailed through ill-health. He married Caroline Carr in England in 1894. Gedge went on business trips to Bulawayo and Johannesburg, 1895 and 1898, and as Chairman of the Bassiar and Pelly Exploration Company went prospecting in the Yukon, 1898-1899. In 1900 he investigated mineral resources at Inyanga in Rhodesia. He prospected in Malaya Borneo and Java 1911-12, visited USA and Havana 1912-13 and the Middle East in 1919.
Sources: Catalogue of Ernest Gedge papers of the Oxford University Colonial Records Project.

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