The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

colour photographs of Naga artefacts from various sources

caption: Conical helmet of crudely plaited rattan cane, ornamented with two frontal discs inlaid with red and white seeds, surrounded by fringe of hair; pendant of human hair at back at back and bamboo knife attached to front. Chin strap of native cotton. [The 'pendant' is definitely not human hair, but is of soft grey feathers. The 'knife' is of the same shape (with notch and hole) as the supporting pieces for the two discs, and quite probably supported a third disc, now missing. Almost certainly Tangkhul, and the corresponding half of
medium: artefacts
ethnicgroup: [Tangkhul]
refnum: 2:12
person: Butler/ Capt. John
date: 1869-1875
form: giftfrom Cotton, S.H.
person: University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge
refnum: 19.103.18
note: descriptions derived from original source material unless in square brackets or otherwise stated