Content arranged by Author
W.G and M. Archer
W.G. Archer was an Additional Deputy Commissioner in the Naga Hills, 1946-8,
and later Curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. His wife Mildred
kept a diary of her time in the Naga Hills and later became an art historian,
working at both the Victoria and Albert Museum and the India Office Library.
- Manuscript notes (W.G), 1946-1948
- Sketch notes (W.G), 1946-1948
- Diary, 1947 (Mildred)
- Diary, 1947 (W.G)
- B&W photographs, 1946-1948 (W.G)
Henry Balfour
Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum at Oxford 1983-1939.
- Sketches, 1922, 1926
- Fascimile page, 1922-1923
- Diary, 1922-1923
- Letters to Henry Balfour
Ursula Graham Bower

Anthropologist in the Naga Hills 1937-1946. (Later married name U.G. Betts).
Author of 'Naga Path'.
- Facsimile page of field notes
- Another facsimile page of field notes
- Film, 1939-1940s
- B&W photographs, 1937-1946
- B&W photograph
- Diaries from Manipur and North Cachar, 1937-1940
- Book: Naga Path, 1937-1946, pub 1950
- Manuscript notes
- Sketches, 1939-1945
- Nzemi folk tales, 1940-1944
- M.A. thesis, 'Village Organization, Central Nzemi', 1950 and
- Papers, notebooks and letters, 1937-1947
Christoph von Fürer-Haimendor

Anthropologist in the Naga Hills, 1936-1937 and later Professor of Anthropology
at London. Revisited Naga Hills in 1962 and 1970. Author of 'The Naked Nagas',
'The Konyak Nagas' and 'Return to the Naked Nagas'.
- Diaries, 1936-1937
- Notes, 1936-1937
- B&W photographs, 1936-1937
- Facsimile of field notes, 1936-1937
- Colour photographs, 1962, 1970
- Film, 1962
- B&W photographs, 1962
- Book: Konyak Nagas, 1969
- Diary on his return to Nagaland, 1970
- Notebook on his return to Nagaland, 1970
- Film, 1970
- Book: Return to the Naked Nagas, 1939, 1976
J.H. Hutton
District Commissioner in the Naga Hills, 1909-1935, and later Professor of
Anthropology at Cambridge. Author of 'The Angami Nagas' and 'The Sema Nagas'.
- Tour diaries in the Naga Hills, 1917-1935
- Facsimile page from tour diary, 1917
- Sound recording of Chang songs, 1919
- Sound recording of "Hoiyi Oll", 1919
- Sound recording of "Lipeli", 1919
- Illustration, 1920
- Illustration, 1935
- B&W photographs, 1913-1928
- Illustrations
- Two tours in the Naga Hills, 1926
- Letters from J.H. Hutton
- Letters to J.H. Hutton
- Maps from 'The Mixed Culture of the Naga Tribes', 1965
- Further maps from 'The Mixed Culture of the Naga Tribes', 1965
- Photographs of Naga Artefacts
J.P. Mills
District Commissioner in the Naga Hills, 1914-1948, and later Reader in Anthropology at London. Author of 'The Rengma Nagas', 'The Lhota Nagas' and 'The Ao Nagas'.
- Tour diary, March 1927
- Facsimile page of tour diary, 1938
- Tour note, December 1944 (24)
- Tour diary, 1928 (14)
- Tour diary, Nov-Dec 1936 (19)
- Letters from J.P. Mills (18)
- B&W photographs, 1922-1945 (73)
- Artefacts collected
Pre-1900 accounts
- Major W. McCulloch, 1858
- E.T. Dalton, Ethnography, 1872
- R.G. Woodthorpe:
- Facsimile page from tour diary
- B&W photographs, c. 1873-1875
- Coloured sketches, c.1873-1876
- Report, 1875-1876
- Tour diary, 1875-1876
- Notes, 1881
- John Butler:
- Sketch of Assam 1, 1847
- Sketch of Assam 2, 1847
- Tour diary, 1870
- Tour diary, 1870-1872
- Tour diary, 1873
- H.H. Godwin-Austen, Tour journal, Nov 1872 - April 1873
- Capt. P.J. Maitland, 1879-80
- Assam Administration Report, 1882-1940
Other accounts
- Keith Cantlie:
- Tour diary, 1919-1920
- Memoir as a Deputy Commissioner, 1919-1920
- C.S. Mullan, Extracts from the Census of India 1931
- C.R. Pawsey:
- B&W photographs, 1937
- Diary, 1925
- Tour map
- C.R. Stoner, The Feast of Merit, 1950
- Unidentified published pieces
Content Arranged by Media Type
- Sound Recordings
- Sketch Maps
- Maps from 'The Mixed Culture of the Naga Tribes', 1965
- Further maps from 'The Mixed Culture of the Naga Tribes', 1965
- Films:
- 1930s-1940s
- 1962
- 1970
- Sketches:
- Coloured sketches, c.1873-1876 (54)
- Hutton article illustrations, 1920s (67)
- Sketches 1922,1926 (53)
- Sketches, 1939-1945 (72)
- Sketches from 'The Book of Indian Animals', 1965 (64)
- Photographs:
- Photographs of Naga Artefacts
- B&W photographs by R.G. Woodthorpe, c.1873-1875
- B&W photographs by J.H. Hutton, 1913-1928
- B&W photographs by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1936-1937
- B&W photographs by Sir Charles Pawsey, 1937
- B&W photographs by Ursula Graham Bower, 1937-1946
- B&W photographs by W.G. Archer, 1946-1948
- B&W photographs by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
- B&W photographs by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1962
- Colour photographs by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1962, 1970
- B&W photographs by J.P. Mills
- Colour photographs (other)
- Books:
- Naga Path by Ursula Graham Bower, 1937-1946, pub 1950
- Konyak Nagas by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1969
- Return to the Naked Nagas by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1939, 1976
- Thesis/report:
- R.G. Woodthorpe, Report, 1875-1876
- Capt. P.J. Maitland, 1879-80
- Assam Administration Report, 1882-1940
- Ursula Graham Bower, 'Village Organization, Central Nzemi', 1950 and
- Diaries/accounts:
- Major W. McCulloch, 1858
- John Butler, 1870
- John Butler, 1870-1872
- E.T. Dalton, Ethnography, 1872
- H.H. Godwin-Austen, Nov 1872 - April 1873
- John Butler, 1873
- R.G. Woodthorpe, 1875-1876
- J.H. Hutton, 1917-1935
- J.H. Hutton, facsimile page from tour diary, 1917
- Keith Cantlie, 1919-1920
- Keith Cantlie, Memoir as a Deputy Commissioner, 1919-1920
- Henry Balfour, 1922-1923
- C.R. Pawsey, 1925
- J.H. Hutton, 1926
- J.P. Mills, March 1927
- J.P. Mills, 1928
- J.P. Mills, Nov-Dec 1936
- Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1936-1937
- Ursula Graham Bower, Manipur and North Cachar, 1937-1940
- M. Archer, 1947
- W.G. Archer, 1947
- C.R. Stoner, The Feast of Merit, 1950
- Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1970
- Unidentified published pieces
- Notes:
- R.G. Woodthorpe, 1881
- Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1936-1937
- Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, 1970
- J.P. Mills, December 1944
- Ursula Graham Bower, Facsimile page of field notes
- Ursula Graham Bower, Another facsimile page of field notes
- Nzemi folk tales, 1940-1944
- W.G Archer, Manuscript notes, 1946-1948
- W.G Archer, Sketch note, 1946-1948
- Ursula Graham Bower, Manuscript notes
- Letters:
- Letters from J.H. Hutton
- Letters to J.H. Hutton
- Letters from J.P. Mills
- Letters to Henry Balfour
- Papers, notebooks and letters by Ursula Graham Bower