The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

colour photographs of Naga artefacts from various sources

caption: Two shell gauntlets. Left (Hutton), gauntlet with goat's hair, on cloth base. Sema, Seromi village. Right (Butler), a warrior's wristlet, ornamented with cowrie shells; foundation of plaited cane, decorated with dendrobium.
medium: artefacts
ethnicgroup: Sema
location: Seromi
size:5 1/2"
refnum: 2:74-75
person: Butler/ Capt. John
date: 1869-1875
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 1924
form: giftfrom Cotton, S.H.
person: University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge
date: 1919
refnum: 19.103.29
note: descriptions derived from original source material unless in square brackets or otherwise stated