The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

colour photographs of Naga artefacts from various sources

caption: Bamboo quiver containing iron tipped poisoned arrows. A spare bow string in quiver and other spare strings contained in wicker case fastened to quiver. Also a well-plaited fibre sling strap attached to quiver. [Top of quiver of hide with wooden interior.] Abor.
medium: artefacts
ethnicgroup: Abor
ethnicgroup: Abor
refnum: 3:211
form: gift
person: University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge
date: 1949
refnum: 49.431
note: from Burkill, Dr. I.H.
note: descriptions derived from original source material unless in square brackets or otherwise stated
note: non-Naga