The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

colour photographs of Naga artefacts from various sources

caption: Head-taker's drinking vessel (chunga). Cut in relief with with figure of a male warrior with spear in right hand, a cock fighting, a tiger with split tail, one morung post. Black background with red patches. Spear, cocks and morung post partly red. Pricked patterning. Carved in seasoned bamboo. Phom. [probably] Mongnyu
medium: artefacts
person: Yakching/ of Mongnyu
size:12" (h), 5.5" (dia)
person: Yakching/ of Mongnyu
date: 1947
ethnicgroup: Phom
location: Mongnyu
note: documentation based on original source information unless within square brackets
note: collected from the carver
refnum: 1174-1175
person: Archer/ W.G.
date: 1947
location: Mokokchung
person: private collection
refnum: 28