The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

black and white photographs taken by Capt. L.E. Macgregor

caption: look-out post. Each village has a look-out on the perimeter to warn of approach of raiding parties.
medium: photographs
person: Mitchell/ H.J.
person: Macgregor/ Capt. L.E.
date: 27.12.1929-26.4.1930
note: Government of Burma Upper Chindwin Expedition, 27.12.1929-26.4.1930, to punish and suppress human sacrifice, slavery, theft; settle feuds; encourage road-maintenance; settle Burma-Assam boundary. Under H.J. Mitchell, Capt. L.E. Macgregor of Military Police.
person: Centre for South Asian Studies, Cambridge
refnum: 1:40a
note: documentation from original source unless in square brackets