The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946

caption: Heramui ceremony, Hangrum village
medium: photographs
keywords: ritual
location: Hangrum
form: 35mm negatives
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
date: 1941-1942
note: information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: BT NO 1833:1,4,5
Caption:Offerings are set out on the hazoa replica near a village gate. The separate portions for the fourteen major spirits are set out on banana leaf plates. The white substance is rice flour. [Shortly after a fowl is sacrificed by the senior priest.]
Caption:Further food is offered at each individual plate.
Caption:Cups and plates including that of Tsiuperai on right, the principal spirit invoked, and the cock sacrificed to him. The cups are of quite a different pattern to those used by human beings, and Tsiuperai's is particularly elaborate.
seealso: Betts, Village Organisation, p.24,115