The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946

caption: Village gate, Khangnam, taken from the inside. Owing to its remoteness, this settlement had preserved its defences virtually intact. It stood on a flat-topped spur with steep slopes on all sides but one. The main gate was defended by a deep ravine. From this a flight of one hundred and twenty steps, flanked by bamboo palisades, mounted to the gate, so that those approaching must do so in single file. the gateway was flanked by stone walls and the door, hinged at the top, was held open in day-time by a stout beam whose butt rested in a hole in the ground. The gate was still regularly closed at night. The rest of the perimeter was defended by stout palisades bristling with bamboo stakes. In time of war the slopes below would also have been studded with sharpened bamboos.
medium: photographs
location: Khangnam
form: 35mm negatives
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
date: 1941-1942
note: information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: BT NO 1863