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trans-frontier raids from 1920 to 1946 |
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S.D.O's no. 273G dt. 4/6/33: Use of guns in war - |
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Choha attacked Chongwe and got a gun and a dao. After they returned Longmien and Ngangching attacked Chongwe, of the Longmien G.Bs Eching who refused to come in mainly responsible, then Wangyam's then Nifong's. Wangyam released from custody by D.C's orders. S.D.O. saw all concerned in August and they admitted use of the guns. D.C. suggests fines. One mithan from Choha. Three mithan from Longmien. Two mithan from Ngangching. D.C. arranged to visit all the above area in Jan. 1934. Totok, Longmien, Choha, Ngangching, Aopao (Chongwe), Nian, Yungya, Kamahu. |