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trans-frontier raids from 1920 to 1946 |
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no. 1749G dt. 17/11/39: Totok Chingnyu (Sq. 180) killed with gun one Chui. Chui [] 205 wounded 3 Totok Chingnyu. D.C. proposed fine 100 guns from each village. |
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1589G S dt. 9/4/40: Approved fines. |
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D.C's 2422G dt. 20/7/40: Reported guns paid up. Asked for war between the two villages to be forbidden. If they fight plains will be closed. |
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3755 G.S. dt. 9/8/40: War to cease forthwith (includes Longmien). Sept.40 & March.41: Unfortunate demise of the Ang of Tang and the madman, Matkan - both unimportant incidents. |