The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters

caption: letters from Mills to Archer
caption: introduction to Kohima
medium: lettersnotes
keywords: NNC
person: Mills/ J.P.Archer/ W.G.PawseyAdamsLhuviseleKohoto
location: Kohima
date: 25.10.1946
person: Archer/ W.G.
date: 1946-1948
refnum: 10:8
text: Shillong
text: 25/10/1946
text: My dear Archer,
text: Welcome to Assam, though you will not have got there by the time this reaches you. I only hope they will have repaired the road from Manipur Road up to Kohima by the time you arrive. We have had the wettest October in living memory and I hear there have been a lot of land slides.
text: I haven't yet heard exactly when Pawsey comes back, but till he does Adams will remain D.C. It is only fair to tell you that senior officers do not entirely agree with Adams' methods. The literate Naga - an unpleasant, oily haired creature - must be listened to these days, but Adams appears to listen to them too much and to be out of touch with the cultivator. I have even heard a rumour that he disapproves of Naga dress, and encourages shorts etc! There is a somewhat nebulous body in existence (more or less self-created) called "The Naga National Council." It is not "National" at all, of course, though it may be nationalistic. It has to be treated with politeness - rudeness never pays - but I personally don't regard it the mouthpiece of the public. The real link between the D.C. and the people is the interpreter staff - a picked body of men, many of them illiterate - who are experts on customary law, settle cases, and do every sort of useful work. Make friends with them and all will be well. The head interpreter is Lhuvisele of Kohima. Please give him my salaams. If Kohoto, a retired Sema interpreter, comes in make a fuss of him. He is a sensitive thorough-bred and a great personal friend of mine. I would suggest you tell Lhuvisele and Kohoto that you are a friend of mine (hoki is the local word for friend), it will make a link with the past.
text: There is a lot in the paper about winding up the I.C.S., but personally I don't think they'll turn us out till they can replace us, and that will not be yet. Anyhow all one can do is to go on from day to day, and to leave things as tidy as one can ... (J.P. Mills)