The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947

caption: visit to Mongsenyimti
caption: tour in Chang country
caption: 'tortoise' spirit stone
medium: diaries
location: Mongsenyimti
date: 24.10.1947
person: Archer/ Mildred
date: 9.7.1947-4.12.1947
text: 24 October. Mongsenyimti.
text: Another streaming day. We squelched round the village in the afternoon and visited the headmen. I noticed a huge boulder in the middle of the village called 'The Tortoise'. It is a spirit- stone and a pig and a cock are offered to it every year.