The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - extract from tour diary of C.R. Pawsey, 1925

caption: to Chanyu; dependencies; few carvings; surveyors; coolies
medium: tours
location: Chanyu Mutan (Chopnyu) Chopsa
date: 2.11.1925
person: Pawsey/ C.R.
date: 10.1925-11.1925
refnum: Proceedings, Government of Assam, Appointment and Political Department, 1926. P/11515.
person: India Office Library, London
text: 2nd
text: Visited Chanyu. I had sent word to them to come into Chopnyu, but they did not turn up before we started. In this area one does not walk on another village's land unless forced to do so. The climb was by no means as bad as it looks and for the first time I got a good view of the surrounding country. The village was very shy at first but soon got more friendly. The morungs and the Ang's house were small and miserable buildings but the Ang himself was a very decent old man. There were a few crude carvings of gongs and snakes on the front of posts in his house.
text: I told the village to come to Chopnyu tomorrow so as to carry our stuff to the Dilli the following day.
text: As the surveyors had arrived at Chopsa I went and met them at the stream and arranged for coolies for them so that they could join us at the Dilli on the 4th.
text: Chanyu arrived in the evening and had also made all their dependencies turn out - Chachang, Urako, Baiya and Longsan. The result was about 40 more coolies than we required.