The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one

caption: duties and privileges of Ang of Zu-nyu
medium: diaries
person: Sha-long/ of Zu-nyu
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 31.7.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 2.6.1936-11.7.1936
note: translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: The Ang's subjects work his fields and build his house. In addition he receives a thigh from every slaughtered animal. In turn the Ang gives a feast for the workers in his fields and those who help in building his house. The Ang only eats with members of the Ang-yang-ba clan. He may not even eat with his own children if their mothers are Ben women. His Ben women cook for him. The Ang is not allowed to eat meat of bear nor the meat of animals taken by a tiger. In addition the entire village has a prohibition on goat and serow meat. The Ang has a special seat in his house on which no one else is allowed to sit in his presence. If he is absent his son and his brothers are allowed to sit on it. (153) His wife may never do so. She has a seat of her own.
text: In the morung as well a sthe great Ang, the lesser Angs too have their own seats. In the presence of the Ang no commoner is apparently allowed to sit. Even the dobashi from Oting, Chingai, did not want to take a seat. As long as the Ang is young he may go to war. Sha-long, however, has not captured heads, yet he wears the head-hunter tattoos on his face because heads were taken in his name. Ki-wang has taken one head. Apparently his power does not go so far that he can kill people of his own village. If he did so he "would be driven away". (see also S.P. no. 2 p.25). On the other hand he seems to be able to have any unmarried Ben girl in his village. For his main wife of aristocratic blood he gives a bride-price of daos, spears, cloth, and two buffalo. If an Ang dies the entire village is genna for six days. In addition the neighbouring villages are informed and they also hold a genna. Their young men also come to the burial and dance in front of the dead Ang's house. Cattle and pigs are slaughtered for this occasion.