The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook two

caption: ritual and agricultural cycle; months and forbidden times
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 27.7.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 23.6.1936-6.1937
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: (81) 27/7/1936 Wakching
Lingha-li %
Ponglong-pongli %
Li-a %
Dangha-li %
Ou-nyi-li %
Noklet-li %
Shoupan-li (for the boys)
Shou-am-li (for the girls)
text: (% in these months the beating of the gongs is genna)
text: (82) Tepili.
text: Tepi = build field house li = month
text: The field houses are built and the rice sown. Also maize, taro, millet. (They sow these apparently already in Taili).
text: Ou-ling-li.
text: Ou-ling = genna.
text: For three days they kill mithan, cows, buffalo, pigs, and chickens. The mithans are killed outside the house, - pigs inside.
text: (83) At this sacrifice they throw some food into the air before they eat, for Ghawang.
text: (rice, ginger, salt, meat) One old man of the clan mixes these four things, - and sprinkles them in the house, and gives to Ghawang-ba, - and then eats of it himself, - the same man kills the animals and gives half the liver (or spleen) to Gha-wang-ba.
text: The first day all the animals are killed. The second and 3rd the people eat.
text: (84) The name of this genna is Ou-ling-pu.
text: In the month Ling-ha-li the weeding begins.
text: Ling-ha-bu is a small sort of Ou-ling-pu, - this is held in Long-ha-li, - at this only chickens are killed, it lasts only one day.
text: Pong-long-pong-li - one pig is killed for the whole village and the head is put on the path, - to get good rice. (Pong-long-pong-pu). Two Neang-bas from each morung, (85) ten altogether, go to the path which leads to the fields, kill the pig and eat the meat on the road.
text: In this month the weeding is done, - by bands.
text: The same is done in Lia (there is no genna in Lia).
text: In Dangla the weeding is continued, but no genna is done.
text: In Ou-nyi-li the Bihu (Ou-nyi-pu) genna is done.
text: The rice is cut after mithans and pigs have been killed at the
text: Ou-ling-bu.
text: (86) After the Ou-nyi-bu, - (2 days), those whose fields are ripe first cut them first, - there is apparently no special ceremonial rice cutting.
text: Each man who owns a field kills a chicken outside the field house and takes an omen of the intestines.