The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook three

caption: details of the Ou-nie-bu genna, rice planting ritual
medium: notes
person: ChinkakYong-mek
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 21.8.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 8.1936-6.1937
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: (131v) Yong-mek's title is Thep-wang-nok.
text: (132) Informant: Dzing-ben (Sha-yang-hu, Aukheang).
text: At Ou-nie-bu the Ang (Chinkak) and Yong-mek go to their respective fields and bring from the spot kept for seeds rice of every kind (4 or 5 kinds) to their houses and put it into chungas and hang it over the fireplace. [konyak]
text: (133) Formerly they also killed a chicken each and made a new spoon as there is the new rice. But now they don't do either of these, because they are so poor.
text: This day is the first genna day. The following two days are also genna. On the first the people stay in the village and kill mithans, cows, pigs and chickens. On the third genna-day the Aukheang girls give bread of millet to the Balang boys, and the Balang girls to the Aukheang boys. The Thephong girls to the Bala boys and vice versa. To the Angban boys the girls of each morung give two [loaves of] bread. (134) The Angban girls give millet bread to the Aukheang boys - (for in the old times once the daughter of an Ang gave a stick to an Aukheang youth as a sign that she wanted to marry him.) These so called "breads" are loaves of ground, but unroasted millet. The following night they sing and drink madhu till the morning.
text: The seeds brought in by the Ang and Yong-mek are kept till the house is rebuilt.
text: (136) On the third day also the skulls of the dead villagers are fed (through three years after their death). The skull of a man is fed by those of his relatives who live in his house, if there is a son by the son, if there are no children but his mother is still alive by the mother. They feed the skull with a little rice and a little rice beer and say: [konyak]
text: (137) In the old times also the skulls of enemies were fed. The Ang and the descendant of the village's founder (Yong-mek) do also the first sowing. The Great Angs (as of Chui and Mon) don't do these gennas themselves but have their men who do it in their place.
text: Pong-moi the first Ang of Wakching was of Ang-yong-ba clan. He came with the first settlers, - but Dzim-she founded the village. There was no village before in the place of Wakching. (138) Dzim-she put panjis around the place where they built the village. Apparently Dzim-she's house was built first. When the village was founded only Aukheang (Dzim-she's and the Ang's morung) and the Balang morung was built. Later the The-phong was made by some Au- kheang men and later on Ang-ban. Bala was split off from Balang. Much later people from Chui and Lengha came to Wakching.