The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga notebook four

caption: head taking
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Chi
date: 20.12.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 14.8.1936-5.1937
refnum: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
note: [konyak] means text omitted
text: (111) In Chi only the heads taken by the Wang-him clan and by the Doalim clan are kept in the Ang's house. All heads taken by other men are kept in the houses of the "great men" of their clans.
text: The head of a man of the Great Ang clan is specially treated and in no case kept in the Ang's house because they are like brothers and the Chi Ang marries the daughters of other Angs. The Ang heads (if taken by a Wang-him or Doalim man) are kept in the morung. (112) But a man who kills an Ang has not to observe any special gennas. For every head taken erects one stone in front of the Ang's house. Five or six months after a head is brought in a genna is made Ghanatang-bu (Ghan = enemy, tangbu = puja). Ahon says that it is an old custom to go to the land of the enemies and to thrust the spears into the ground (if no heads can be taken) and then make the puja. (113) The day a head is brought in the morung may kill a pig. It is killed by the oldest man of the morung. But the real sacrificial pig is killed at the Ghana-tang-bu by the oldest Doalim man (or if the head was taken by a Doalim man it is killed by a Nielim man). When the head is brought in the Rhemba of the village cuts off a piece from the upper part of the ear and puts it into a hole dug in front of the Ang's house at the genna place. Then the clansmen of the head-taker carry in a stone and erect it in (114) this hole.