The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga notebook six

caption: Ou-nie-bu ceremony
medium: notes
person: Yongmek
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 2.9.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 28.8.1936-26.10.1936
refnum: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: (44) Wakching 2/9/1936 Ou-nie-bu is today after all. The fetching of the dhan by the Ang and Yongmek is called Tabhak-bu. (45) Thephong khel killed 18 pigs, no cows, one mithan. For Shankok's mithan 8 households subscribed - the price was 30 rupees.
text: Other khels kill only 5 or 6 pigs. Aukheang kills one cow. Balang kills one cow. Angban kills one cow. Bala kills only pigs.
text: Before noon the pounding of rice is allowed, after noon it is genna. Tomorrow is a genna.
text: (46) The girls and boys go in the morning to fetch jungle leaves and bamboo sprouts which they eat as vegetables.
text: The pigs are tied with strings made of cane. [konyak] The pigs must be carried to the morungs and remain there a short time before they are sacrificed. At Ou-ling-bu they must remain in the morung one night (47) and one day.
text: There is no special way for killing mithans and cows, they may spear it or hit it with a club or kill it with a dao.
text: Today no ordinary vegetables are eaten, they pound rice flour and cook it with ginger and bamboo sprouts. They also may bring other jungle leaves, but they don't eat them today. Tomorrow they can eat any food they like. From tonight they could [eat] the sweet and sticky rice (bura chaul) (48) either old or new. For some people may already have reaped a little. Before the pig is killed the wife of the owner pours a little water out of a leaf cup upon the pig. The oldest man of the clan actually kills the pig with a panji and says the words on P. 46. The old man receives from animals he kills (pigs or cattle) the heart and kidneys. (49) A cow is killed within the porch. Taro leaves (wum-lai) are laid on the ground in front of the door). One hears wailing for a man who did not die now, but within the year.
text: The girls and women of Angban, Balang and Bala wear on the upper part of their ears the quills of porcupines painted red. They use indigo leaves for making green colour.
text: (50) Last year the Thephong boys built a girls' morung for the Bala girls, in the Bala khel. After a time two Ang-ban boys went there too so the Thephong boys became cross and asked a fine. But the Angban boys didn't pay the fine.
text: (51) Words said when killing the pig: [konyak]. The first day of Ou-nie-bu is Tabhak-bu (rice cut). The second day, Ching-wem-bu (village sprinkle).