The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga notebook seven

caption: rituals and ceremonies in Kongan
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Kongan
date: 25.9.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 23.9.1936-21.3.1937
refnum: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: (33) Kongan 25/9/1936
text: When the Kongan people stayed at Yin-yu-shang (cf. p. 2) they were always at war with Phom.
text: When the first men came out of the earth they brought rice with them.
text: The Kongan people are like "brothers" with Choha and Yungya.
text: The Kongan language and the Yungya language are the same. (34) Yong-dzang-nu are two great stones on the way to Namsang half a mile from Kongan - husband and wife.
text: On both rice was growing till about four years ago, people took rice from them and used it for sowing. The rice is said to have grown by itself on the stones.
text: After rice harvest in the month Ha-wat-lin a genna is made near that stone. (They pretend to have no real name for the months like Wakching). (35) Two old men of any clan, but one of Lingba and one of Khong-gai morung, makes the genna. They kill a cock and sprinkle the stone with the blood and with some madhu.
text: [konyak]. Then they eat the cock. (36) When they stayed at Yin-yu-shang they erected forked posts and dragged stones. Even in the first time at Kongan they did the same, but for a long time no feast of merit was performed now. At that time they also killed buffaloes and mithans, but the latter only in Yin-yu-shang. Now they kill buffaloes only at the time of Moniu.
text: The Moniu is held in the same month as the Ou-ling-bu of Wakching. (37) The Moha, a small genna after Moniu, lasts for five days. The Pang-mo corresponds to the Ou-nie-bu and lasts for five days.
text: The Moniu lasts for seven days. The first day (Moyung-shu) all the animals, buffaloes, cows, pigs, are killed by the clan eldest. The night before the men sleep in the morung, the next night too. The second day (Chin-gom) all the houses make their individual gennas, eat of the meat and drink of the madhu. They don't go to sleep in the morung any more. The third day (Mong-dzem-nek-go-ba) all the women visit the houses of their own (38) as well as of other morungs and are entertained there. It is the day of the women. The fourth day (Mo-shau) men and women go to different houses where they are invited and are entertained. The fifth day (Mo-nio genna) is the day for the village and the field genna. This day nothing is done. The sixth day (Kha-gem-ba) the two morung groups kill one dog each on the way to the fields. A young man of any clan kills the dog. Every man takes a little of the blood and sprinkles it at his own field. (39) The seventh day (Kha-yem-nio) is complete genna. The men stay in the morung and in their own houses. There is no dancing nowadays at Moniu, because no heads can be taken. Formerly it was tried to get a head at Moniu.