The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook eight

caption: head taking and menhirs
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Punkhung
date: 5.10.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 4.10.1936-23.2.1937
note: [konyak] means text omitted
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: (24) In front of the Wang-dze morung are two menhirs - they were erected at different times but they stand quite near to each other. Both were put up the day after heads from Kongan had been taken. When a head was brought in it was taken to the morung and the men danced. But first a chicken was killed over it at the genna place near the Ang's house. The chicken was killed by the An-yan-shim of Nekhong-dze (cf. p 19). He said: "May your father come, may your brother come, may all your family (25) come too". He also fed the skull with madhu and rice. When a head is taken in revenge the widow of the man previously killed thrusts her spear (not that of her husband) into the head and says: [konyak]. (26) The next day a stone is set up in front of the morung, the first and second killer do that, but other men may help them. When they begin to drag the stone in from the jungle the young men of the morung say: [konyak]. When the stone is set up in front of the morung they say: [konyak]. (27) Then the head is fastened at the stone and remains there for about three or four weeks. Then the skull is cleaned and taken to the "great house" of the clan of the man who has taken it. If that man is of the Ang clan, then the skull is taken to the Ang's house. On that day the head is fed again.