The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook eleven

caption: house list of the village of Wakching
caption: houselist of the Bala morung
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 1.6.1937
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 1937
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
note: (Sketch not done)
text: Bala
text: 2. (LIWANG + (Dzonok))
= Shongna (Metahu, Thepong)
1 MANIE (18)
2 Shienglong
On another hearth:
LIWANG'S younger brother, TOWANG'S, wife:
Mendzing (Shayonghu, Aukheang)
(a. Shienglong married to DAMING (Metahu, Thepong))
b. Manshum married to (WEIDZING (Yanahu, Thepong))
text: METLOU (GB) (8) has bought from Manie site 2 for Rs 10/-/ Manie will build on YEWANG'S house site 3. Metlou will pull down Manie's house next year, but will not build his own house till a year later. Shares: 3
GH: 40
text: 3. (YEWANG + (Dzonok orig. from Chi)
= Liang (Yanahu, Thepong)
(1 Manshum married to DZINGANG + (Yanahu, Thepong))
(2 HUNWANG + as a boy)
3 Henlong (13)
Shares & GH: 40
text: 4. YOLOU (Leunok)
(I = Shui-yan + (Yanahu, Thepong))
II = Wandzai (Metahu, Balang orig. from Chi, sister of TUNGONG Bal. 4)
(1 Shik-yo married to DANGBA (Khoknokhu, Thepong))
2 WANGPHONG married to (Liphung (Khoknokhu, Thepong) SHANKOK'S
(3 WANPHENG + died as a boy)
LOUMING (Maibanghu), a young man whose father and mother died.
text: Since they owed rice to YOLOU and LOUMING has no fields, it was arranged that he should work for YOLOU. When he marries he will build a house of his own. YOLOU will provide him with fields till he can buy some.
GH & Shares: 37
text: 5. (SHANGLOU + (Leunok))
= Phungmei (Khoknokhu, Thepong)
1 LOUMING married to
(I = Shongna + (Metahu, Thepong))
a. YOYONG (10)
(c. METLOU +)
(II = Liang (Yanahu, Thepong))
GH & Sh: 42
text: 6. (METLOU + (Maibanghu))
= Meniu (Khoknokhu, Thepong)
(1 Shongna married to YONGWEI (Yanahu, Thepong))
2 YOLOU married to
= Liphung (Khoknokhu, Thepong)
a. Pheangna (12)
c. Shongna
3 LOUMING married to
(Shuidzing (Shayanghu, Thepong))
At another hearth:
METLOU'S elder brother's son: YOLOU married to
= Shuiyan (Yanahu, Aukheang)
(1 LOUMING (14))
(3 Wanshum)
text: Next year YOLOU (& Shuiyan) will build a house of their own. The two YOLOUS have separate fields, two granaries and cook separately.
Both GH: 44
shares: 36
text: 7. NIEANG (Angnokphong, son of the Ang Phongyong)
= Kheam-nia (Ang clan, Tanhai)
1 Henlong married to (WANPHENG (Metahu, Balang))
(2 Henphung +)
(3 Taman +)
4 Belong
NIEANG'S mother: Wanshu (Leunok, Bala)
his brother: DZEMANG married to
(I = Pheangna + (Metahu, Thepong))
(II = Shienglong (Ang clan, Chingtang))
Ought to give shares to DZEMANG (Aukheang, 4), whose house on
Angban was pulled down.
text: 8. SHANGLOU (Leunok)
= Shui-ang (Yanahu, Thepong)
(1 YOYONG + died as a boy)
2 Shongna (8)
3 Pheangna
SHANGLOU'S younger brother: METLOU (GB)
(I = Shuidzing (Knoknok, Aukheang) divorced)
II = Meniu (Knoknok, Thepong)
1 Shikmet (1)
SHANGLOU'S younger sister: Wanshum married to (PHUTUN (Wemnok, Thepong))
GH & share: 42
text: 9. (YONGYO + (Leunok))
= Niauwan (Metahu, Thepong)
(1 Phungnia + married to YONGWEI (Yanahu, Thepong))
(2 Wanshum married to YONGANG (GB.) (Yanahu, Thepong))
(3 Pheangna married to DAUBHEN (Knoknok, Aukheang))
4 SHANGLOU married to (Meniu (Knoknokhu, Thepong) Shankok's sister)
5 Shikmet married to (TOANG (Nokanokphong, Angban))
YONGYO'S younger sister: Shongna (slightly mad)
GH & sh: 42
text: On the other hearth:
YONGYO'S father's younger brother's son: YONGYO (Leunok)
(= Mendzing + (Yanahu, Thepong))
1 Wanshum engaged to (SHOUBA (Knoknokhu, Thepong))
2 Shongna
The two YONGYO'S have separate fields.
GH & shares: 42
text: 10. (HENMOI + (Dzonok))
= Liang (Yanahu, Thepong)
1 LIWANG (15) slightly insane
3 Niolong
4 Shienglong
Liang's mother: Mongyo (Yinyonghu, Balang)
GH: 40
shares: 3
text: 11. MANIE (Leunok) (a leper)
his mother: Phungmei (Yanahu, Aikheang)
his younger brother: YOLOU, an adult young man
GH: 37
shares: 4
text: 12. LOUMING (Maibanghu)
= Shongna (Metahu, Thepong)
1 Wanshum (14)
3 Shikna
5 Pheangna
GH: 44
sh: 36
text: 13. (WEIKU + (Dzonok))
= Shuiyan (Shayanghu, Aukheang)
1 SHANGYO married to
Shui-ang (Yanahu, Thepong)
(a. Shikna)
2 HENYONG married to
Monglong (Metahu, Thepong)
3 Wanshum
GH & sh: 40
text: 14. METLOU (Leunok)
= Longlei (Ben clan, Wanching)
1 SHANGLOU (14) married to (Ngenli (Shayanghu, Thep.))
(2 Shikna + died as a child)
GH & sh.: 37
text: 15. MEDZOU (Dzonok)
= Shui-ang (Yanahu, Thepong)
(1 Mongya (4))
MEDZOU'S mother: Liphung (Khoknokhu, Aukheang)
his younger brother: HENYONG married to (Shui-ang (Yanahu, Aukheang 3))
his younger sister: Wanshum (adult)
GH: 40
Sh: 32
text: 16. YONGYO (Lounok)
= Shui-ang (Yanahu, Thepong)
Though Shui-ang has not yet had a child, she came to live in her husband's house. YONGYO has one son by Menian, his late brother's wife, SHANGLOU (house 38)
GH: 37
Sh: 4
text: 17. NIANGPHONG (Shungtahu)
= Shuidzing (Khoknok. Thepong)
1 YONGNA (15)
2 Pheangna
share: 43
text: 18. MEDZOU (Dzonok)
(I = Lian (Shayonghu, Aukh.) divorced, married a Tanhai man)
no children
(II = Shongna + (Yanahu, Thepong) )
(1 Mongyo (8))
MEDZOU'S mother: Shui-ang (Yanahu, Thepong)
his younger brother: YONGNA married to
= Liang (Yanahu, Thepong)
(1 Shikna (4))
GH: 40
Sh: 32
text: 19. (YINLOU + (Leunok))
= Phemet (Ben clan, of Wanching)
(1 Wanshum married to WANGDZING (Wemnok, Thepong))
GH & sh: 42
text: 20. (SHANGYO + (Dzeunok))
= Shuiyan (Shayonghu, Aukheang)
2 Punghun
GH: 40
Sh: 15
text: 21. HENMUI (Dzeunok, orig. from Chi)
(= Manshum + Ang clan of Wanching)
1 Shienglong (adult)
GH: 40
Sh: 3
text: 22 (YOYONG + (Leunok))
= Litang (Wemnok, Thepong)
(1 SHANGLOU +) married to
= Shuidzing (Khoknok, Thepong)
(a. Wanshum married to DANGBA (Khoknok. Aukheang))
b. YONGYO married to
= Meniu (Khoknok. Thepong)
i. Shongna
c. Pheangna (12)
(2 Pheangna + married to PHUDUN + (Wemnok, Thepong)
GH & Sh: 42
text: 23. NOKTO (Leunok, his father came with LONGME from Chi)
= Nangliem (Angnokphong, Balang)
1 MANWENG married to
= Bolim (Angnokphong, Angban) orig. from Chi, daughter of SHUN-
GA the Benba. No children.
NOKTO had no other children.
GH & sh: 42
text: 24. API (Ben clan of Chi, came from Chi as Benba, called by the Wakching men)
= Nankhem (Nokanokphong, Angban)
1 PHUDUN married to Meniu (Khoknok. Thepong)
Shares: to Thepong 36 where he first stayed.
text: 25. LEIONG (Dzeunok, orig. from Chi)
(= Menian + (Shayonghu, Thepong))
(1 Shekli married to SHOUBA + (Khoknok., Thepong))
(2 YONGNA + eaten by a tiger, married to Shuidzing (Khoknok.,
Aukheang) lives now in Tanhai)
(a. Shongmet (lives at Tanhai))
3 Shekmet
GH: 40
Shares: 32
text: 26. WEIKU (Dzeunok)
= Menlong (Shayonghu, Aukheang)
2 Wanshum
4 Shikna
GH: 40
Sh: 32
text: 27. YONGYO (Dzeunok)
= Liang (Yanahu, Thepong)
YONGYO'S mother: Wania (Khoknok., Thepong).
his younger brother: SHANGYO married to (Shuidzing (Shayonghu, Thepong))
GH & Sh: 40
text: 28. DZIBANG (Dzonok, came with LONGME from Chi)
= Duihen (Ben clan of Chi)
1 DZINGOU married to (Mendzing (Shayonghu, Aukheang))
DZIBANG'S younger brother's son: DZINGOU married to (Shuidzing
(Yanahu, Aukheang))
GH & Sh: 40
text: 29. (SHANGLOU + (Maibanghu))
= Shuidzing (Khoknok. Aukheang)
1 YONGYO married to (Ngenli (Nokanokphong, Angban))
2 LOUMING (adult)
3 Wanshum (adult)
5 Shongna
6 Pheangna
7 Shikna
GH: 44
Sh: 36
text: 30. DZINGYAN (Dzonok, his father came from Chi)
= Pheangshang (Ben clan, of Wanching)
3 Bolim
GH: 40
Sh: 3
text: 31. MANIE (Dzonok, came orig. from Chi)
= Wanshum (Ben clan of Chingphoi)
GH: 40
Sh: 3
text: 2. HENYONG (Dzonok)
(I = Shuidzing (Khoknok. Thepong))
1 YONGYO married to
= Liengdzui (Khoknok. Thepong)
II Meniu (Khoknok. Thepong)
(1 MEDZOU +)
HENLONG'S younger brother's son: YONGYO
Liengdzui lived in SHOUBA'S (Shankok's father's) house and worked there and carried Liphung about
GH & Sh: 40
text: 33 YOLOU (Leunok)
= Tamau (Angnokphong, Angban)
no children.
GH: 42
Sh: 9
text: 34. MANIE (Dzonok, orig. from Chi)
= Pheangyin (Ben clan of Chinglong)
1 HENMOI (14)
2 Manshum
3 Niolong
5 Shienglong (under 1)
GH: 40
Sh: 3
text: 35. (MEDZONG + (Leunok))
= Sheangli (Khoknok. Thepong)
2 Shikyo
MEDZONG died by falling from a tree (apothia) in May 1937.
GH: 37
Sh: 4
text: 36. YONGYO (Maibanghu)
= Litang (Wemnok, Thepong)
2 Wanshum
4 Pheangna
A girl of YONGYO'S clan: Shongna
GH & shares: 44
text: 37. Great House of Leunok (Leutok)
LEUYONG (Leunok)
= Shikna (Ben clan, of Wanching)
1 Yangphang (adult)
2 Wanshum
text: 38. (SHANGLOU + (Leunok))
= Menian
After SHANGLOU'S death Menian lived with his younger brother
YONGYO (house 16) and had one son by him:
GH & Sh: 37
text: 39. YONGMET (Shungtahu)
(= Liniu + (Nokanokphong, Angban))
1 Shongna (5)
2 Phongdzai (3)
YONGMET'S mother: Menian (Wemnok, Thepong)
his brother: TUNG-NA was married to (Dung-i (Angnokphong, Angban)) but is divorced.
TUNGNA paid the married price and Dungi was tattooed, but they didn't get on and never had intercourse.
GH & sh: 43
text: 40. Great House of Dzonok
HENYONG (Dzonok)
= Shuidzing (Khoknok. Thepong)
1 Mongnio (adult)
(2 WEIKU + died as a boy 1936)
HENYONG'S father's brother's son: YONGYO
text: 41. (YOLOU + (Leunok))
= Shikyin (Wemnok, Thepong) her ancestors came from Chinglong
1 YOYONG (8)
Shikyin married after YOLOU'S death:
SHANGLONG (Ang clan of Chinglong)
1 Shongna
GH & sh: 42
text: 42. Great House of Leunok (Leuphong)
LOUMING (Leunok)
= Liphung (Khoknok. Thepong)
1 YOYONG married to:
= Liphung (Khoknok. Thepong)
b. Shongna
LOUMING'S younger brother's daughter: Wanshum (adult)
Liphung was first married to TUNGNIE + (Yinyonghu, Balang) who divorced her.
text: 43. TUNGNA (Shungtahu)
= Meniu (Khoknok. Thepong)
1 YOPONG (5)
on another hearth:
TUNGNA'S father's brother's son: YONGMET (Shungtahu) morung Ang
of Bala
= Shikyo (Ben clan of Wanching)
1 Niawan
YONGMET lives on trade, he does no field work.
TUNGNA gives shares to YONGMET, whose real house-site, that of the Great House of Shungtahu is the empty site in front of
TUNGNA'S house.
text: 44. Great House of Maibanhu
YONGYO (Maibanghu)
(I = Shuidzing + (Khoknok. Thepong))
1 Wanshum (adult)
2 Pheangna
3 Shikna
4 Shongna
II = Liphung (Khoknok. Aukheang)
(1 daughter (under 1))
text: On another hearth:
YONGYO'S father's brother's son:
YONGYO (Maibanghu)
= Meniu (Khoknok. Aukheang)
1 Pheangna married to (YONGLANG (Shayonghu, Aukheang 9))
2 Shongna
3 Shikna
(Gives shares to YONGYO above)
text: 45. SHANGLOU (Maibanghu)
= Melong (Shayonghu, Aukheang)
1 Wanshum (12)
3 Shikna
GH & Sh: 44