The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diaries in the Naga Hills

medium: tours
location: Chakhabama (Sakhabama) Cheswezumi (Cheswezuma) Sathazumi (Satazuma) Sagazumi (Zogazumi) Yorobami (Yarabama) Phegwima (Phigwema) Metsalemi (Metsalimi) Khuzama Chipoketami (Chipoketama)
date: 13.6.1917-16.6.1917
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 13.6.1917-13.7.1917
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: Copy of the tour Diary of J.H. Hutton, Esq., I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, Naga Hills, for the period from the 13th June, 1917, to 13th July, 1917.
text: 13th June, 1917
text: Sakhabama.
text: 14th
text: Cheswezuma, counted half the village in the rain.
text: 15th
text: Finished counting Cheswezuma and went on to Satazuma where there was a huge concourse of litigants.
text: 16th
text: After settling a dispute between Zogazumi and Yarabama went on to Phigwema, Metsalimi, Khuzama and Chipoketama, crossing the high land between the old and new Sema Roads, probably not far off 20 miles, and the paths bad.