The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Cyclone damage at Dimapur
medium: tours
keywords: elephants
location: Nichuguard R.S. (Nichuguard) Ghaspani Razenhema (Rozaphima) Dimapur
date: 14.4.1921
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 3.4.1921-16.4.1921
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 14th
text: Disposed of two cases at Dimapur and some petitions; visited the bazar and gave certain instructions for a kacha drain that is needed. Then visited what is left of the Thana. The main building and stables have been wrecked by the cyclone. The tin sheets off the exposed half of the roof have been entirely stripped and carried to a distance where they are flung battered on the ground. The solid metal gong, of all things, has been snatched up to the top of a high peepul tree and left there. The thatched buildings - the Sub Inspector and Constable's quarters etc. - have not been quite so severely dealt with but the Overseer estimates that total cost of repairing the damage at Rs. 1400/- to 1500/-. I have given instructions for a temporary arrangement at a cost of Rs. 200/- or so to enable the Police to carry on. It is not worth while spending much on repairing the old Thana if the new one is to be built now.
text: I got a lorry to take me out to Nichuguard where I found Assistant Commissioner and my pony. Rode on to Ghaspani and dealt with another case there. Rozaphima came in to complain of elephants. On opening my office box (which had been left at Dimapur Inspection Bungalow) I found that someone had been through it, disarranging the papers in a way which could not have been accidental.