The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: the history of Phowakungri and conditions on its continued existence; Kuki infiltration; Photsimi's tabu on weaving; house-tax
medium: tours
person: Notjang
ethnicgroup: Kuki
location: Phokhungri (Phowakungri) Shiloi-mol Mt. Longphurr (Niemi) Saishem Purr (Photsimi) Beishi Chi (Chimi) Shiloi R.
date: 10.2.1923
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 25.1.1923-22.2.1923
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 10
text: Moved camp down the Karami-Phowakungri path and went on up to Phowakungri, returning to camp in the afternoon. This village was orginally situated on the southern slope of Shiloi-mol, called by the Nagas "Dazipfu" or "Nazipfu". Here Notjang and his Kuki desperadoes joined them long ago, and as a result Niemi made a surprise attack and took twelve heads off the combined village, which then went east to Saishem. Saishem was destroyed first by one of the Burma columns in K.P.M. and was ultimately rounded up by a Naga Hills column which did not interfere with the Nagas, who, however, ultimately settled near Beishi until last year when they made up their minds to return to their old site. At present however, they are living in temporary houses in a jhum. The original Phowakungri people having been reduced to about 8 or 10 houses by Tangkhuls, Kukis, disease and other ravagings have taken in the dozen or so households who were exiled from Chimi in 1920 and first tried to settle at Photsimi but fell out with that village over the question of Photsimi's tabu on weaving.
text: I have told Phowakungri that they can stay where they are, or on their original site, which is just west of the Burma boundary, on the distinct understanding that they do not cross the ridge called Gazu, which runs down from Shiloi-mol (Dazipfu) to the Shiloi river, for cultivation, fishing or shikar, a condition which they willingly accepted. I took revenue off them at approximately Rs 1/- per house and told them I would take the other 1/- in work. They will be useful in joining up our bridle path with the Burma one.