The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Land dispute and medals at Kekrima
medium: tours
person: DimeChesai
location: Kekrima Pfutsero (Tekhubama) Nishemi
date: 10.8.1925
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 3.8.1925-12.8.1925
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 10th
text: To Kekrima. On the way I dealt with three cornered land cases between Tekhubama, Nishemi and Kekrima (miscellaneous Case No. 326 of 1925). There are many slips everywhere on the road.
text: Dime (alias Daime) son of Chesai claimed a medal. He is marked in my register as a deserter, but he swears he did not.