The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Reluctance to settle Khipire-Thachumi land dispute; complaints against a troublesome, bullying village
medium: tours
person: Mills/ Mr
ethnicgroup: SangtamChang
location: Kiphire (Khipire) Sampurre (Thachumi) Zungki valley Pensure Panso (Aoshed)
date: 5.2.1926
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 22.1.1926-22.2.1926
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 5/2/1926 To Khipire, about 8 miles - a small Sangtam village which has a land dispute with Thachumi which was tried to settle [sic] when it was settled that Khipire should hear Thachumi's oath and give up the land - a settlement reached after long and acrimonious discussion. Khipire then turned round and said well they would fight anyway oath or no oath, so I left it at that. Both villages combined to carry our loads quite amicably.
text: A vast number of people came in to see me. Mostly the headmen of the small Sangtam villages on the western slope of the Zungki valley. They all complain of a village called Pensure [marked apparently on the new map as Amichorr (83 K/N.E. - E.I.)] which has demanded the red cloths from some of the smaller villages in the control area under threat of raids if they don't get them. This Pensure is not the notorious Panso (or Aoshed, as the Changs call it) of the "control" area further north, but a recent and comparitively insignificant offshoot. I think Mr Mills confused the two last year, but they will both probably have to be dealt with sooner or later. Amichorr seems to be the name of a different village further south.