The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: House decoration at Ramji; megalithic remains and tanks at Malangpa
medium: tours
location: Ramji Ginare Malangpa Moldam
date: 18.10.1928
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 13.10.1928-27.10.1928
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 18 October
text: Via Ramji and Ginare and Malangpa to Moldam. In Ramji several houses were decorated with marigolds and cockscomb. I got a couple of celts, one a fine shouldered one.
text: Ginare had a fine round sitting stone in front of the village, carved with a frog and with footprints, a favourite form of ornamentation here-abouts.
text: Malangpa had a few of the "pear" monoliths, but most of them broken, and one appeared to have had its top knocked off to make it into a sitting stone. There was also a pair of twin tanks, and with the pear stone one of another type having a cleft top.