The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: to Pelekima; influence of Gaidhiliu on village food consumption
medium: tours
person: Gaidhiliu
location: Pelekimo (Pelekima) Dzuku R. (Tapon R.) Ridima (Ndunglo) Lakema
date: 11.5.1934
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 4.5.1934-27.5.1934
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 11th. To Pelekima. A very steep descent to the Tapon river and a somewhat less severe climb up to Ndunglo (Ridima) which had not been reassessed since I last toured in the Kachha Naga country. I counted it, and also took from the G.B. the arrears of this year's revenue. There was not a single dog in Ndunglo, the last having been killed to accompany its master to the next world a little while ago. However, I was assured that this absence of dogs was not due to the Tabu which Gaidhiliu put on them, but rather to the opposite cause, and that the village had not given up dog meat, nor garlic, nor stinking dal. Gaidhiliu forbade her followers to eat these three comestibles, and it was noticeable that there were no dogs in Tamphung either. At Lakema I.B. I renewed gun licenses. I had expected to find here the dak which was due at Yangkhulen or Thuyeng, but was told that it had gone on looking for me; presumably the dobashi has mixed up Yangkhulen and Tamenlong, though he comes from the next village to the former. The effect is that I have had no word from Kohima since leaving Maram a week ago.
text: The I.B. roof is rusting badly and needs to be thoroughly tarred. The bungalow would be the better of a decent arm chair.