The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - 'Diary of a Tour in the Naga Hills, 1922-1923' by Henry Balfour

caption: Visit to Lozemi: crops, flutes, village gates and entrance, graves
medium: diaries
person: Hutton/ J.H.
ethnicgroup: Angami <Chakrima
location: Chizami (Kezobami) Techeluru R. (Techelura R.) Losami (Lozemi) Kohima
date: 9.10.1922
person: Balfour/ Henry
date: 1922-1923
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: Mon. Oct. 9 (
text: We left KEZOBAMI at 8.30 a.m. & walked about 5 miles down to the TECHELURA R., which was in spate. Crossing it by a small iron bridge, we mounted the horses & rode up hill to LOZEMI (c.8.5 miles; 47m from Kohima) arriving at 11. Very fine day & sun fairly hot. I went round the village (CHAKRIMA ANGAMI) & sketched & photo'd house-front carvings (boars' head design very frequent). Millet, rice, native-grown tobacco & cotton were drying in the sun on large mats in front of the houses. Saw some bamboo transverse-flutes, which may only be played upon after the harvest, for fear of their inducing bad winds which might damage the crops. Among the hunting-trophies were skulls of sambhar, barking-deer, serow, bear, macaques & huluks. Cicadae in great numbers were fixed to the house-fronts. I had to drink zu at the invitation of an old woman, who pressed me to drink more. It is said to be genna not to fill up the cup twice. The village gates are poor & only decorated with human heads in relief, 7 to 9