The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - 'Diary of a Tour in the Naga Hills, 1922-1923' by Henry Balfour

caption: Final stage of voyage home
medium: diaries
date: 24.1.1923-25.1.1923
person: Balfour/ Henry
date: 1922-1923
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: Wednesday, 24.
text: Calm in the morning, though wind rising. Off Finisterre about lunch-time. (Run, 356 Km.) Blowing fairly hard in the Bay, but the ship fairly steady. Many adult Gannets off the Portuguese coast. Had a long talk with the Rev. A.A. Thomson of the Solomon Islands Mission (& of Thistleton Rectory, Oakham, Rutland).
text: Tuesday, Jan. 25.
text: Perfectly calm all day & sun shining. Ushant abeam at 5.30 p.m.