The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - J.H. Hutton, Diaries of Two Tours in the Unadministered Area East of the Naga Hills', 1926

caption: first tour
caption: leave Tamlu; smoke signals from Yungya
medium: articlestours
location: Yungya Tamlu Dikhu R. Kamahu Yacham
date: 5.4.1923
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 4.1923-27.4.1923
text: April 5th. - In the morning we saw smoke signals, or something of the sort go up from Yungya, who could probably see the sun catch our bayonets, and guessed that we were leaving Tamlu. We camped at the Dikhu. The river very dirty, but I managed to get a couple of mahseer. A second deputation came in from Kamahu, and some of the headmen of Yacham, a transfrontier Ao village with probably a good dash of Phom and Konyak blood. [I visited this village in 1921. See Man, No.67, August, 1922.]