The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - J.H. Hutton, Diaries of Two Tours in the Unadministered Area East of the Naga Hills', 1926

caption: Second Tour
caption: to Chimongre; drum sheds; Chang influence
medium: articlestours
ethnicgroup: SangtamChang
location: Chimongre Thungare Langsipek
date: 7.11.1923
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 10.1923-11.1923
text: Nov.7th. - To Chimongre a Sangtam village of some 200 houses or less in three khels, all squalid filthy hovels of the typical Sangtam type and very dull. The only features of the least interest are the drum sheds (Pl. 13, fig. 7
text: The houses are very like those of the Lhotas, but dirtier and more crowded. The water was the worst I have ever met in any Naga village at all - a horrid contrast to that at Chare, and the Indian officer in command of the escort probably diagnosed it correctly as diluted cow's urine, and it might well have been worse, but there was nothing else to drink. The people were very friendly, and the camp wallowed again in meat. We passed through Thungare on the way, and changed coolies there, a feat which gave us a great deal of trouble, as there was a strong tendency to bolt. Thungare is about half a mile from Langsipek, another small Sangtam village, no doubt as squalid as Chimongre and Thungare. The path goes down from Chare to the Chingo stream ; then up to the Thungare-Langsipek-Alisopo ridge ; thence down to the Chimei, a very steep, almost precipitous descent,and, after a similar ascent out of the gorge, a steep climb to the next ridge. About 10 miles in all, but hard going.