The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on the Nagas from 'Census of India, 1931 - Volume III - Assam Report'

caption: Chapter VII. Infirmities
caption: Leprosy
medium: reports
person: Mullan/ C.S.
date: 1931
text: 94. It is distressing to note how few ... lepers are receiving proper care and treatment. There are only two small leper asylums in British territory, one at Sylhet and the other at Kohima in the Naga Hills. On the night of the census ... In the Kohima Asylum - excluding a certain number of relatives in attendance - there were 25 inmates (13 men and 12 women) of whom all by three were born in the Naga Hills, the other three consisting of two Abors from Sadiya and one Mech from Goalpara.