The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

diaries kept by Ursula Graham Bower on visits to Manipur and North Cachar between 1937 and 1940

caption: Barak camp to Laikot
medium: diaries
person: DainoiNaipuigaKangui'George'HwamdaiHamja
date: 21.11.1938
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
person: private collection
text: (25) Nov. 21st Laikot 6m.
text: Collected my Naga jungle-rat trap from behind the cookhouse, with the help of Dainoi and various friends. Packed it in bedding jappa. Got off after farewell to Naipuiga and Kangui. George carrying cameras, camp chowkidar the fishing kit. Marched along bank by Naga path, somewhat acrobatic one. While halted for fishing rest of party came along & stopped to look and chat. Hwamdai brought up the rear, wearing a worn look and wrestling unsuccessfully with vocal and recalcitrant goat. Hamja sent camp chowkidar off to camp with my cameras and orders to fetch tiffin. Eventually, after considerable hanging about on hot rocks while Umaid dived after Jeff's spoon, arrived at camp on a low shingle-bank, covered with bushes and Kukis, latter predominating. We were ferried into camp on a specially prepared "poum" under the personal guidance of Kuki headman, the one who presented the goat. Previous to this, had tiffin on shingle-bank. Took (26) photo of stocky little Naga camp chowkidar with Cupid & fish. At least, tried to. Can't remember if I succeeded. Bade tender and heartfelt farewell to Kambirong, Langkamtsung, Hwamdai, etc. The retreating party paused to look back from ledge of path (either look back or primrose - largely, we hope, former) and departed, whooping, and bitterly lamented. Camp chock full of Laikot Kukis, who sat round fire with us. One very pretty little girl,