The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

diaries kept by Ursula Graham Bower on visits to Manipur and North Cachar between 1937 and 1940

caption: dispensary; Longphailum to Chongmon
medium: diaries
location: Chongmun (Chongmon)
date: 25.11.1938
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
person: private collection
text: (42) Nov. 25th 13 miles. Chongmon.
text: Woke up early & went out. Clouds gone, stars brilliant and Orion showing. Packed up, but servants had no hot water for patients. Had to make do with what we had, cold and not too clean. Washed the man's back as best I could, with strong solution, but could not shift matter with only cold water. Put on coating of Antipeol all round wound, saw it beginning to melt and slide over edges; only thing we could do. Put on fresh lint and cotton wool pad and some bandage. Issued permanganate and more wool, with instructions.
text: In midst of all this woman came up with baby with a scalded foot. Huge blister, very dirty, and toes skinned together. Celia tackled it, succeeded in parting toes and applied Tannafox. Also baby with scalp infection, many scabs. Applied boric ointment, after washing head and cutting hair. Again Celia's case.
text: Dispensary took so long it was half-past 10 before we left, and we passed (43) woman weaving; but it was too late to stop and film her. Went on by path up steep slope, over knoll after knoll, then fields, then jungle;
text: Chongmon basha, or rather house, really superb, built high on poles, with balconies at side, bathroom high on stilts and handsome front sitting platform behind steps.