The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

diaries kept by Ursula Graham Bower on visits to Manipur and North Cachar between 1937 and 1940

caption: leaving Shongphel
medium: diaries
person: Cummins/ PaddyDuncan
date: 2.3.1939
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
person: private collection
text: (174) Wednesday, March 2nd.
text: Marched on, very depressed, and about 2 miles on met coolie scratching by side of road - my man, with chit from Paddy. He can provide compounder. Scribbled note to Dunc. and went on. Long, hot march; plain warming up. Wombat left spear behind at Yaingang-Pokpi, not quite sure how.