typescript 'Village Organization Among the Central Nzemi Nagas', M.A. thesis by Ursula Betts | |
caption: | Chapter eight: conclusion |
caption: | Appendix B |
caption: | statistics for North Cachar Hills |
medium: | theses |
ethnicgroup: | Nzemi |
note: | footnotes indicated by boxes within square brackets |
text: | (162) APPENDIX B. |
text: | Statistics for North Cachar Hills. |
text: | "The total population of the hill districts and States, excluding the Mikir Hills...but including the North Cachar Hills is 1,262,535 - an increase of 169,996 or 15.6 per cent since 1921. In the decade of 1911-21 the increase was only.. 8.2 per cent.. of which about three fourths was ascribed to natural growth and the rest to immigration. New additions of population made to the hill districts since 1921 by the incorporation of previously unadministered territory accounts for only 8,516 persons... so that the large increase.. shown on this occasion must be due either to natural growth or to immigration. As will be seen later, immigration... is a factor of little importance in the hill districts of Assam, and the only conclusion therefore that can be drawn is that the natural growth of the population of the hills has been decidedly good." |
text: | (Census of India, Assam, Vol.III, 1931). |
text: | "The North Cachar Hills are low and unhealthy and have a population of only 32,844 - an increase of 13.6 per cent since 1921. How much of this is due to natural increase and how much to immigration it is not possible to tell. A certain amount is certainly due to the importation of coolies by the Assam-Bengal Railway... The Subdivisional Officer reports that the only change which is apparent in the Subdivision is that new jhum lands are becoming very scarce." |
text: | (Census of India, Assam, Vol.III, 1931). |
text: |
The following are the figures of population increase or decrease from 1881 to 1931. As these include the constantly fluctuating population of coolie-labour from the plains working on the Assam- Bengal Railway, they are little or no guide to population variations in the indigenous agricultural population. _1921-31___1911-21___1901-11___1891-01___1881-1891 _+_13.6____-_1.3_____-_33.1____+_115.5___-_5.9 |
text: | The 1891-01 figure is due to the influx of labour when the Assam Bengal Railway was being constructed. The 1911-21 decline reflects the influenza epidemics of 1918-19, which took heavy toll. The 1921-31 increase appears to represent a genuine natural increase, which the Subdivisional Officer informed was continuing, on the evidence of the 1941 figures. These are unhappily unobtainable. (163) |
text: | All-Assam Mortality Figures for Sex and Age. |
text: |
_Age.___Male_Female__Male_Female_Male_Female__Male_Fem ale ______Average_Decade____1922________1924_________1926 _0-5____69.5__58.3___74.6__63.2__75.8__63.1___72.2__60 .7 _5-10___11.0__9.0____14.4__12.3__14.1__12.4___10.3__8. 7 |
text: | I believe the Central Nzemi figures for children dying between birth and five years of age to be of the order of those given under 'Average Decade'. Malaria and summer diarrhoea are chiefly responsible. |
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