The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - H.H. Godwin-Austen, Journal of a Tour in Assam, 26th November 1872 to 15th April 1873

caption: surveying
medium: tours
person: James
location: Phiphimah Kadinba Mt.
date: 28.12.1872
person: Godwin-Austen/ H.H.
date: 26.11.1872-4.4.1873
person: Royal Geographical Society, London
text: 28th
text: Much colder up here. We got away pretty early, just a little delay & talikie talkie abt coolies for the traps. We took a light breakfast in a thapa & got up to the trig mark of Kadinba abt 12 o/c. The day was most lovely & clear & a fine cone-like peak towered up in the distance almost due east, while others shewed up fine & clear in other directions NE & SE. Bamboos & logs were collected for the building of the mark which was run up while we breakfasted when all our PT work was over & at what time oh reader do you suppose we had it? Why, not till 3 pm. I was perfectly ravenous by that. I made a good sketch of the range of the Burrail with Paona & Angaoluo peaks & the low dhun like valley that stretches up to the low sandstone & parallel ridges on which Simagooding station has been built. It only wanted an hour or two of daylight when we left the mark & it was pitch dark before we got to the foot of the last ascent into Phiphimah. The first part of the way we were scrambling through high grass until we struck the village path. Found James of the Police had come in & we all dined together.