The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - H.H. Godwin-Austen, Journal of a Tour in Assam, 26th November 1872 to 15th April 1873

caption: halt; difficulty with Munipuri troops
medium: tours
person: BishentingThompson/ Col.Romah Singh/ Major
location: Tuphema (Terehnumah) Khezha-Kenoma (Kezakenoma) Kolia Mt.
date: 19.1.1873
person: Godwin-Austen/ H.H.
date: 26.11.1872-4.4.1873
person: Royal Geographical Society, London
text: 19th Jany.
text: It had been intended to make a march but as [?] & the Khasias did not return until past 11 a halt was determined on, which turned out a capital move as it set in for rain in the afternoon. Munipuris began their damned dodging early by actually having the cheek to order the coolies Guard & chuprasie with Col Thompson that if he proceeded with Butler & self to the village of Kezakenoma under Tellizo that they were to go there & leave him. This was reported aloud to us while at bkfast by Thompson's chuprasie Bishenting (he is provided with all his retainers by the Munipur Raja). After the meal was over Thompson asked us to attend. When he asked Romah Singh (Major) whether he had given such orders he remained silent at first & then replied that he had. On which of course Col T told him he would report the whole matter. Did a lot of work & abt 2o/c started with Butler & the Munipur Subadar Laitember a great ruffian to have the hill Kolia pointed out abt which we are very hazy. On getting to the village of Terehnumah whenever a good view cd be obtained he pointed out the main range running from Tellizo towards a peak I have named Blue Range 2nd highest & that the group of villages on the NW of it are known to them as the Kolia, but from their own shewing the only connection Munipur ever had with them was siding with two villages there against 2 others which they went in & burnt 7 years ago. Since when they have never been near there again. These said villages sent in a deputation a few days since saying they wished to pay revenue to Capt Butler. It came on to rain & smartly abt 4 o/c & did so until 9 o/c.