The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - H.H. Godwin-Austen, Journal of a Tour in Assam, 26th November 1872 to 15th April 1873

caption: to Phunggum
medium: tours
person: ButlerThomson
location: Phunggam (Phunggum) Laniye R. (Lanier R.)
date: 27.3.1873
person: Godwin-Austen/ H.H.
date: 26.11.1872-4.4.1873
person: Royal Geographical Society, London
text: 27th March
text: Our way led along the watershed which dipped considerably at the part connecting of the watershed midway between the high parallel ridges the Toroi Kachu & Rapforki. On reaching the wooded summit of the last I turned off the main road to the Southward & coming out into an old clearing on the Eastern side once more looked down upon the Lanier valley which I find takes its rise under Shiroifurar Peak on the Great Eastern range. A number of smaller streams from the south with the predominant NS direction uniting just below it. From Shiroifurar the Lanier was seen to be bounded by a high ridge extending for 20miles north & connected with the hill of Swemi & I was able to cut in many points & villages I had seen from that side; beyond another valley equal in size to the Lanier came in under the Western base of the Great main range extending to the Northward. After getting in all I could from this point I continued along the ridge to Phunggum. Storm coming up from the Westward over the Western Munipur hills & Burrail which burst on us in an open joom. I found shelter under the large boughs of a fallen tree & with water proofs over my head sat it out fairly dry. It hailed hard for some time with thunder & the temperature fell considerably. At 4 o/c still raining but moderating. I pushed on & got into Phunggum in about an hour. Butler had been exerting himself for good in his usual way & got camp pitched in the village in an open portion that had been recently burnt. This site was far better than where the Munipuris had wanted us to go, viz right down below the ridge on the Powi side where nothing could be seen, whereas from the village we obtained a splendid view all round. Evening damp & chilly but after a change of my wet clothes the discomfort of the afternoon was forgotten & a good dinner sent us to bed very contented. Thomson who had arrived first had been inveigled into going down the hill & pitching his tent there so we lost his society for one evening.