The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - 'Report of the Survey Operations in the Naga Hills 1875-1876' by Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe

caption: to Wokha; Lakhuti men questioned about refusing to help Ogle
medium: tours
person: OgleButlerNeedham
location: Wokha Sanis (Sanigaon) Kakenagami Zanthu Mt. (Nummah Mt.)
date: 17.12.187529.12.1875
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
text: 4. In the meantime, all our coolies having arrived, and all arrangements being satisfactorily completed, Captain Butler and I started on the 17th December for Wokha, where we arrived on the 29th, having been joined by Mr. Ogle at Sanigaon the day before. We found that the surrounding villages had been bringing in rice in large quantities, and the godown was well stocked. On the 21st, some men came in from Lakhuti to see Captain Butler, and assure him of their friendship. On being questioned as to their refusing to show Mr. Ogle the road, and turning out in war-dress, they replied that they had meant no harm, and had simply intended to escort him. It was necessary, in order to carry on our triangulation, that a point near Kakenagami, among the Semas, should be visited, and also Nummuh, far south among the Eastern Angamis. For this work, Mr. Ogle was again deputed; and Captain Butler considered it advisable that Mr. Needham, who had come into Wokha to see him on various matters, should accompany Mr. Ogle. They left us on the 22nd (for Mr. Ogle's report of this tour, see Appendix A).