The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - 'Report of the Survey Operations in the Naga Hills 1875-1876' by Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe

caption: Appendix A. M.J. Ogle's report
caption: to Nerhema
medium: tours
location: Dihoma (Dehoma) Dzulu R. (Zullo R.) Rekzoma (Rekroma) Shanor R. Nerhema
date: 1.1.1876-2.1.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
text: 15. On the 1st of January we passed Dehoma, leaving it to our left, down into the Zullo, then up a very steep hill till we got near Rekroma; passed that village also on our left, then went down into the Shanor River, and finally up a long but easy spur into Nerhema. Here there was stationed a guard of the Samaguting police, for the protection of the coolies who were employed upon the Samaguting and Wokha road, and which was now carried up to within four miles of Nerhema. This was a long and trying march for our coolies, some of whom did not come in till after nightfall. We halted here a day to give everybody rest, _ all were in need of it, having marched continuously for eleven days.