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Although the home of so many diverse tribes, the character of the country is much the same throughout, and it may be described as a succession of long parallel ridges, the general direction being north-east and south-west, divided from each other by streams or rivers of greater or less importance, the hill ranges increasing in height from the low ranges bordering the plains, above which they do not rise much more than 2,000 feet, till we reach the lofty chain of peaks overlooking Burma, which at Saramethi and other points attains a height of nearly 13,000 feet above the sea. All these ranges are very narrow along the ridges. with steep well-wooded slopes, the lower hills being covered with long grass jungle. The valleys of the rivers near the plains in the Sibsagor district are low, flat, and densely covered with large forest trees, among which the mighty rubber is conspicious. |