The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876

caption: Camp halted still awaiting Butler's fate
medium: tours
person: Butler/ CaptButler/ Walter
location: Pangti
date: 2.1.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: (2) Sunday 2nd.
text: (Min. ther. 51o max. 79o)
text: Butler still a little better at times and at others in a very critical state. Sent the daks out. In the afternoon went up and commenced sketch of camp with village in background. Slept for a couple of hours after dinner I sat up with Walter as before.