The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - Chapter II, 'Detailed Report on the Naga Hills Expedition of 1879-80', Capt. P.J. Maitland

caption: Damant's view that Konoma must be crushed, but delayed by lack of troops
medium: reports
person: DamantNation/ Col.
ethnicgroup: Angami
location: Khonoma (Konoma) Samaguting Barpathar (Borpathar)
person: Maitland/ Capt. P.J.
date: 1880
person: India Office Library, London
refnum: IOR L/MIL/17/18/24
text: Mr. Damant was clearly of opinion that Konoma must be crushed, as Mozima had been, before anything like permanent tranquillity could be hoped for. In a demi-official letter, dated 28th June 1879, addressed to the Chief Commissioner, he says,- after alluding to the unadvisability of attempting operations in the rains,-" I think the wisest course would be to march on Konoma at the end of October or beginning of November before any of the crop is reaped; and I should propose to march up 50 men of the Golaghat reserve, ( About 100 rifles.) to Samaguting, and distribute the remainder along the Golaghat road, at Borpathar, and other places. I should also get Hinde over with as many men as can be spared from Woka."
text: The Chief Commissioner accorded a general sanction ( Letter dated 31st July 1879. Copy forwarded with Brigadier General Nation's No.654 of 16th September 1879.) to this proposal; but there was a general concord of opinion on the part of the highest civil and military authorities that no conflict with the Nagas should be precipitated so long as the troops on the frontier were weakened by the withdrawal of a regiment. Regarding this withdrawal of a regiment, it must be explained that, in September the 44th Sylhet Light Infantry received orders to proceed on service to Afghanistan. Its outposts in the Naga Hills were accordingly relieved by the 42nd Assam Light Infantry, and arrangements were made to supply its place in Assam, as far as might be, by a wing of the 10th Native Infantry from Dacca. It happened, however, that an alteration in the state of affairs in Afghanistan induced the Government of India to dispense with the services of the 44th in that country, and the regiment was accordingly ordered to return to its province. It had then reached Goalundo by steamer from Gauhati, and commenced its return journey without disembarking. As a natural consequence of the return of the 44th, the wing 10th Native Infantry remained at Dacca.