The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - Chapter III 'Detailed Report on the Naga Hills Expedition of 1878-80', Capt. P.J. Maitland

caption: positioning of troops
medium: reports
person: Evans/ Maj.Henderson/ Lt.Raban/ Lt.Mansel/ Lt.Nuttall/ Col.Nation/ Gen.
location: Mezema (Mozima)
person: Maitland/ Capt. P.J.
date: 1880
person: India Office Library, London
refnum: IOR L/MIL/17/18/24
text: The march from Sachima of about six miles, ( Konoma Despatch.) to within a mile of the foot of Konoma hill, was difficult and toilsome, especially for the guns, which were on this occasion carried by Manipuri coolies. Pausing there, the General made the following dispositions:-
text: The detachment 43rd Assam Light Infantry under Major Evans, and the party of Frontier Police, in all 159 rifles, out of the 518 present, were ordered to advance up the valley on the right, and take post on the ridge in rear of the village to intercept the anticipated flight of the enemy. A detachment of the 44th Sylhet Light Infantry under Lieutenant Henderson was also directed to take up a position on the hill side to south-east for the same purpose. SKETCH
text: (36) The guns were placed in a hill to right (north-west) of the village, and opened fire at a range of about 1,200 yards. The rocket party under Lieutenant Raban, R.E., took post half way up the Mozima Hill on the same side. It was hoped the rockets would have set the village on fire, but they all proved defective. ( Lieutenant Mansel reports having tried the rockets when on his way up the river. They then appeared to act very well; after entering the hills, however, the elephant which carried them fell over a khud; his load , of course, getting a tremendous shaking. To this accident the subsequent irregularities of the rockets were ascribed.)
text: The main body, consisting of about 300 of the 44th Sylhet Light Infantry, under Colonel Nuttall, C.B., were to attack the north end of Konoma.
text: General Nation placed himself at first near the guns, where he could watch the whole affair.