The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - Chapter IV 'Detailed Report on the Naga Hills Expedition of 1878-80', Capt. P.J. Maitland

caption: submission of Jotsoma
medium: reports
location: Jotsoma
date: 23.1.1880
person: Maitland/ Capt. P.J.
date: 1880
person: India Office Library, London
refnum: IOR L/MIL/17/18/24
text: On the 23rd January the hostile Khels of Jotsoma tendered their submission, and voluntarily surrendered one snider rifle, one enfield, and seven old muskets, as an earnest of good faith. The submission was accepted on condition of their remaining firearms being given up. This they promised to do in a week's time. They also engaged to keep the peace on their own lands, i.e., between Kohima and Sachima.
text: The submission of the Jotsoma men was considered an encouraging sign, as they were closely connected with Konoma, and had always been, together with the latter and the Chitonoma Khel of Kohima, the backbone of the rising. It may be added, however, that it was not until the 22nd February, a month later, that one Khel surrendered eight more firearms and finally submitted. The other Khel did not surrender till 1st March.