The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - Appendices. 'Detailed Report on the Naga Hills Expedition of 1878-80', Capt. P.J. Maitland

caption: Col. Johnstone's description of the relief of Kohima
caption: assistance of Manipuris in the relief of Kohima
medium: reports
person: Johnstone/ Col.
person: Maitland/ Capt. P.J.
date: 1880
person: India Office Library, London
refnum: IOR L/MIL/17/18/24
text: In conclusion, I beg to bring to the favourable notice of Government the excellent conduct of the Maharajah of Manipur in so readily affording me assistance, and of his two sons, Joobraj Soor Chunder Sing and Kotwal Kaireng, for their spirit in accompanying me on an arduous and dangerous expedition. I wish also to draw attention to the exertions made by the Tangal Major, who has throughout been my right hand man, and to whose energy the speedy arrival of the Manipuri portion of the expedition is due.
text: This spirited old man, although sixty five years of age, has throughout acted like one in the prime life.
text: As to the British portion of the expedition, the warmest praise is due to Sub-Inspector Boodhi Khan and the whole party of Cachar Police, consisting of forty eight of all ranks. These men throughout displayed an amount of zeal and energy worthy of the highest praise, and it is to their spirit and devotion to duty that much of my success in relieving Kohima is due. They throughout formed my advanced guard. I promised all of these men promotion if we relieved Kohima in time, feeling that, under the very exceptional circumstances, I was justified in doing so, and I trust that my promise will meet with the approval and confirmation of Government.
text: The detachment of the 34th Native Infantry did their duty cheerfully; but the men, being unaccustomed to hill work, were not so useful as the police. Two men, however, deserve especial notice, viz Naik Buldea Doobey, who, though sick and weak, insisted in keeping up with us, and finally came in with my rear guard, though he might have remained in safety in Manipur; also Sepoy Rameswarree Tewarry, who gave much assistance in many ways, and materially lessened my labours.